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Emre Arolat & Gonca Paşolar, “Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum”, Presentation, Venice, Italy
Emre Arolat, Urbanism and Architecture in Bursa on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic, Bursa, Turkey
Emre Arolat, The Cities of the Future, Presentation, Ankara, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Space’23: Imagination Exhibition, Opening Speech, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Design and The City, “Scent of Trace”, Presentation, Tirana, Albania
Emre Arolat, Kazandibi Architectural Student Community, Kazantalks 4, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Medipol University Faculty of Architecture, Online
Emre Arolat, Share: International Architecture and Technology Innovation Forum, “Scent of Trace”, Presentation, Tirana, Albania
Emre Arolat, Next Academy, Permanent Solution, Common Mindset, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, Turkey Design Council, City Talks, “Urban Sprawl, Concretization, Density, Horizontal Architecture, and Profit-driven Development! Bogeymen and Bugbears... Let’s talk honestly”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Ferko Assemby, Designing the Cycle: Urban Regeneration, Buildings and Cyclicality, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Gonca Paşolar, Zak Group, Façades Conference,“Façade Design as an Outcome”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Hospitality Projects”, Lecture, Online
Emre Arolat, Heritage Istanbul Expo & Conference, “Museum and Architecture: Memory Spaces”, Presentation, Online
Emre Arolat, Heritage Istanbul Cultural Route Conference: Memory Spaces, Museums - Architecture and Exhibition, “Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Istanbul Association of Independent Architects, , Scarpa Dialogues, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Architects' Chamber Antalya Branch, Places Find their Tongue, Presentation, Antalya, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Ozyegin University, “Always in Limbo Between Fantasy and Reality”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “To Design and Build in A World of Dreams and Reality”, Opening Speech, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, MSGSU Department of Architecture, Witnessing 140 Years of Architecture: 1882- 2022, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Openly Speaking with Emre”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Alp Alkaş Academy, Certificate Program in Retail and Real Estate Management, “Design Principles in Retail and Commercial Real Estate”, Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey
Rüyet Sefercioğlu, Fresh Experiences in Professional Practice, Lecture, Online
Rüyet Sefercioğlu, Breus Art Museum Panel, Tbilisi, Georgia
Emre Arolat & Gonca Paşolar, Architecture Meetings, “Designing and Building in the Real World”, Presentation, Online
Emre Arolat, “Scent of the Trace”, Presentation, Online
Emre Arolat, Digital Lecture Series, Online
Emre Arolat, Expert Zone, Sustainable Cities and Communities: Should Migrations to Mega-Cities Be Prevented?, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, Aluminum Talks, “Are You an Interior Architect or Exterior?”, Presentation, Online
Emre Arolat, Contemporary Architecture Discussions: Architectural Awards and Aga Khan, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, Aluminum Talks, “Are You an Interior Architect or Exterior?”, Presentation, Online
Emre Arolat, Contemporary Architecture Discussions: Architectural Awards and Aga Khan”, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, “Powder Paint in Sustainable Architecture”, Presentation, Online
Emre Arolat, Colorful Dialogues, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, Cities Developing Solutions: Re-Think, Co-Act, “Get to Know: Aga Khan Awards”, Presentation, Online
Emre Arolat, Opening Lecture, Online
Emre Arolat, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, Architecture Society Talk, “Scent of the Trace”, Online
Emre Arolat, “Discussion with Melike Altinisik”, Online
Idris Ayar, “Design Your Own Career”, Conversation, Online
Idris Ayar, Perspective Virtual, “Context and Materiality”, Presentation, Online
Natali Tombak, Stories @ the Loft, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, Tourism Investment Forum, “New Trends in Hotel Design - Built to Last: The Major Trends in Hospitality Construction and Design, “EAA Hotels”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Against the Allure of Superficial Populism” , Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, How to Become? Conversation with Nilay Ornek, Online
Emre Arolat, Instagram Live with Can Remzi Ergen / Vogue Turkey, “COVID-19: Without touching it?”, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, Podcast with Bahar Turkay, Online
Emre Arolat, LEAP, Leap of Faith, “Conversation with a Mentor”, Online
Emre Arolat, Parametric Architecture, Instagram Live Discussion with Hamid Hassanzadeh, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, 212 Photography Festival, “Conversations with Sevim Aslan”, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Discussions on Architecture, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Opening Ceremony, “Scent of the Trace”, Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Işıklı Buluşmalar - Architect Emre Arolat, Conversation, Online
Emre Arolat, Seminar, Online
Gonca Paşolar, Keynote Speaker, Tirana, Albania
Gonca Paşolar, Interior of the Year Conference, “The Museum Hotel Antakya”, Presentation, Prague, Czech Republic
KU Design Lab, Conversation
Goodness and Beauty, “Context and Memory”, Conversation
Emre Arolat, Geberit & Arkitera Architecture Center, Design Explorers Beyond Time #7 Conference, Speech, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, SADA Interdisciplinary Art Symposium, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Yeniköy Rotary Club, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, ”Context and Plurallity”, Keynote Speaker, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Emre Arolat, The Museum Hotel Antakya Visit, Presentation, Antakya, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Architecture Week: Housing for Everyone, Panel Discussion, Izmir, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Hybridity”, Presentation, Venice, Italy
Emre Arolat, The Architectural League, Conference, New York, USA
Emre Arolat, MSGSU Graduation Ceremony Speech, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “The Untransformable Architecture of the Transforming City”, Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, MSGSU Department of Architecture, Diploma Ceremony, “Culture and Performance Structures in the Context of Permeable City”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Looking Back and Looking Forward: Architecture and Memory,” Presentation, London, UK
Emre Arolat, RIBA+VitrA Talks, “Scent of The Trace”, Presentation, London, UK
Emre Arolat, “Contextualism vs. New Tendencies”, Presentation, Las Vegas, USA
Emre Arolat, “Scent of The Trace”, Presentation, Las Vegas, USA
Gonca Paşolar, “Scent of the Trace”, Presentation, Hong Kong, Republic of China
Emre Arolat, Presentation, New York, USA
Emre Arolat, RIBA, “Architect Emre Arolat in Conversation with Yehuda Safran”, Conversation, New York, USA
Emre Arolat, “Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, Boston, USA
Emre Arolat, “Scent of The Trace”, Conference, Boston, USA
Emre Arolat, Lunch and Learn with Award-Winning Architect Emre Arolat, “Specificity, New York, USA
Emre Arolat, “Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, New York, USA
Emre Arolat, "Tracing Footprints," Presentation, Muğla, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Specificity”, Venice, Italy
Emre Arolat, Lecture Series: Current Work, “Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, New York, USA
Natali Tombak, ITU Industrial Archaeology Seminar, Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Design Week Turkey, The Potential of Design, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Institut Francais D'Architecture, "Context and Plurality", Lecture, Paris, France
Emre Arolat, “Media and Architecture”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Rönesans Holding, “Designing the Sustainable Future”, “Design for Sustainable Future”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Symposium on Conservation and Restoration of Wooden Structures, “Timber and Its Effects from Conventional to Contemporary”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Context and Plurality”, Lecture, New Haven, USA
Özgür Kayabay, Air Traffic Control Towers Summit, “Istanbul New Airport and Traffic Control Tower”, Presentation, Singapore, Singapore.
Emre Arolat, Works of Art in 21st Century Turkey, “Permeable and Transitional”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Context and Reflections”, Conference, Budapest, Hungary
Emre Arolat, “Bringing Industrial Past to the City with Culture and Education”, Conference, Kayseri, Turkey
Emre Arolat, First International Conference on Mosque Architecture, “Challenges of Designing a New Mosque Against the Stream”, Conference, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
Emre Arolat, Özyeğin University & IAPS Culture and Space Network 3rd National Symposium: Istanbul and Housing Culture / Change, Transformation, and Continuity, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Gonca Paşolar, New Generation Factories and Aesthetic Role Models Among Licensed Businesses, “A Production Facility Beyond the Conventional: İpekyol Textile Factory”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Context versus Extravaganza", Conference, Amman, Jordan
Emre Arolat, Asian Architecture on the Way of Transition, "A Section Through the Current Architectural Tendencies in Turkey”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, "Context and Reflections", Conference, New York, USA
Emre Arolat, "Context and Reflections”, Presentation, London, UK
Emre Arolat, "Context and Reflections", Conference, Milan, Italy
Emre Arolat, "Context and Reflections”, Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria
Emre Arolat, "A new neighborhood in the city: Zorlu Center ", Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Theme: Blink of an Eye, TED Talks, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “The Museum as a Complex and Ambiguous Architectural Space”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Sancaklar Mosque”, Conference, Verona, Italy
Emre Arolat, “The Museum as a Complex and Ambiguous Architectural Space”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, "A new neighborhood in the city: Zorlu Center ", Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Theme: Blink of an Eye, TED Talks, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, "Context and Reflections”, Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria
Emre Arolat, "Context and Reflections", Conference, Milan, Italy
Emre Arolat, "Context and Reflections”, Presentation, London, UK
Emre Arolat, "Context and Reflections", Conference, New York, USA
Emre Arolat, Asian Architecture on the Way of Transition, "A Section Through the Current Architectural Tendencies in Turkey”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, The Al-Hussein Cultural Center, “Context versus Extravaganza", Conference, Amman, Jordan
Emre Arolat & YEM, Istanbul Bilgi University & YEM, Architectural Discussions in Today’s Turkey, “a hundred and forty character”, Conference and Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, YEM, Architectural Discussions in Today’s Turkey, “a hundred and forty character, Istanbul, Turkey
Gonca Paşolar, Women in Architecture (In Assoc. with The Arhitectural Review), Panel Discussion, London, UK
Gonca Paşolar, Women in Architecture (In Assoc. with The Arhitectural Review), Panel Discussion,, London, UK
Natali Tombak, Re-ConD’15, Re-evaluating Contemporary Designs in Historical Context, “Shadows of Memories”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Natali Tombak, Re-ConD’15, Re-evaluating Contemporary Designs in Historical Context, “Shadows of Memories”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Against, but in the Stream”, Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Emre Arolat, “Mosques in Europe: Aesthetics of Faith and Intercultural Encounters in Public Space”, Conference, Berlin -,Germany
Emre Arolat, Against, but in the Stream”, Conference, Amman,Jordan
Emre Arolat, Istanbul and Moscow ”, Conference and Panel Discussion, Sigapore
Emre Arolat, “Worship Space and Essence” , Sancaklar Mosque, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Context and Identity”, Conference, Hamburg, Germany
Emre Arolat, Seismic Safety Trade Fair”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, MAXXI Roma, Cose Turche, Architecture in Istanbul, Rome, Italy
Emre Arolat, ‘’Architecture and Context’’, Conference, Pristina, Kosovo
Emre Arolat, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Sustainable Cities, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Architecture and Identity”, Presentation, Mumbai, India
Emre Arolat, “Brand, City, Architecture, Structure and Bursa”, Presentation, Bursa, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Architecture Lecture Series, “Against, but in the Stream”, Lecture, LAU ,Beirut,Lebanon
Emre Arolat, I Want My Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum (IRHM) Museum, Panel, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial, 'Talk to Us' Talks, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Gonca Paşolar, Lapseki Government Mansion and the Surrounding,, Çanakkale, Turkey
Emre Arolat, ‘’Port Istanbul’’, Panel Discussion, Barcelona, Spain
Emre Arolat, ’Recent Works of EAA in Turkish Context’’, Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
Emre Arolat, ‘’Recent Works of EAA in Turkish Context’’, Lecture, Delft, Netherlands
Emre Arolat, From Tradition to the Future: Mosque Architecture Panel, "Essence", Panel Discussion, Adana, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Taksim Square: The Animist City”, presentation, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands
Emre Arolat, Arkimeet,“Time Tunnel: Zorlu Center”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, The Museum of the Future/The Future of the Museum, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Natali Tombak, ” Green Architecture in Turkey”, Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Şaziment and Neşet Arolat, SMD “Over 50 Years”, Conversation
Emre Arolat, “Renewing the City: Regeneration, Reuse and Retrofit”, Panel Discussion, Singapore
Emre Arolat, We Inquire, They Elucidate, Presentation, Mardin, Turkey
Emre Arolat, International Rotterdam Architecture Biennial, Making City Workshop Panel, “Urban Transformation in Istanbul: A Plague or A Potential”, Istanbul, Türkiye
Emre Arolat, ArkiPARC, PechaKucha Exclusive Session: Turkey Real Estate Vision 2023, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat with Dr. Charles Jencks, London Festival of Architecture, “Istanbul on the Way to Londonization”, Panel Discussion, London, UK
Gonca Paşolar, Symposium of ACO, “Architecture and Water”, Conference, Istanbul, Türkiye
Gonca Paşolar, Jury Member at Graduation Project, Izmir, Turkey
Gonca Paşolar, “Istanbul at Bosphorus and Golden Horn”, Conference, Rendsburg, Germany
Gonca Paşolar, Airport Development and Expansion Summit, “Same Programs Similar Contexts Unequal Solutions”, Presentation, Istanbul, Türkiye
Emre Arolat, Reflections on 1st International Architecture Biennale of Antalya, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Conversation on Architectural Experience and Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Originality, Specificity, and Freedom in Design” , Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Modern Architecture Legacy and Preservation Issues”, Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Housing Convention: New Approaches, Strategies, Actions, and Urban Transformation in Housing, “Sustainable Housing Design and New Approaches Related to Urban Environment and Environmental Standards,” Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “City & Culture”, Istanbul, Türkiye
Emre Arolat, Architecture and Philosophy with Contemporary Turkish Architects, Conference, Istanbul, Türkiye
Emre Arolat, Akıntıya Karşı: Cepheden Yüzleşerek”, Presentation, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus
Emre Arolat, Presentation, Istanbul, Türkiye
Sezer Bahtiyar, Sustainability Academy, “Sustainability and Efficient Lighting”, Seminar, Istanbul, Türkiye
Emre Arolat, Council of Shopping Centers - Turkey, Shopping Centers Conference II: Strategies in the New Era, “Malls and EAA”, Conference, Adana, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Mediterranean Cities: Architectural and Urban Design”, Conference, Barcelona, Spain
Emre Arolat, World Architecture Week Conference, Conference, Antalya, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Green Institutions Conference, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Cinema and Architecture” Panel, Panel Discussion, Bursa, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Emre Arolat Conference, Izmir, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Balkan Run” Panel, Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria
Emre Arolat, “Last 10 Years of Planning and Architecture Professions Symposium”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, 1st International Construction Quality Summit, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, In Conversation with Emre Arolat, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, GYODER Restate 9th Real Estate Summit, “Discussion on Housing Investments”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, 1st International Construction Quality Summit, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “The Aspects of Contemporary Turkish Architecture Conference”, Conversation, Paris, France
Emre Arolat, “From the Kitchen of the Architect”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Raif Dinckok Yalova Cultural Center Presentation, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Against the Stream”, Conference, Paris, France
Gonca Paşolar, “Project Management Seminar”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Dialogue of Architect and Material”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Building Industry Center, “Building Products”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Conversation, Mersin, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Symposium on Dwellings”, Panel Discussion, Izmir, Turkey
Emre Arolat, ArciParc, “Future Visions III”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Recent Projects”, Panel Discussion, Ankara, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Progressive Architecture Symposium, Conference, Mexico City, Mexico
Emre Arolat, UIA - World Architecture Congress, Turin, Italy
Emre Arolat, 9th Real Estate Investing Managing Agent and Finance Services Exhibition, Panel Discussion, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Ataturk Cultural Centre and Congress Valley, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, , Workshop: Housing Profiles in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “…With regard to,” Panel Discussion, Eskişehir, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “…With regard to,” Conversation, Ankara, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Conversation, Konya, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “New Approaches in Museum Architecture”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, YEM “Future of Turkish Architecture, Round Table Discussion”, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Whisper of Ground, Context, and Answers: Architecture and Art”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Kartal & Cekmece Projects”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Discussion on ‘…With regard to’ Exhibition”, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “4th Generation Discussion on Architecture”,, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, The Fundacio Mies van der Rohe, “Coup de Des” Conference “The Emerging European Architectures”, Helsinki, Finland
Emre Arolat, ULI, “Value by Design”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Kale Group, “Yıldız Meetings 06, Conversation, Bursa, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “…With regard to,” Conversation, Trabzon, Turkey
Gonca Paşolar, “Architecture in Team Environment”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Gonca Paşolar, “…With regard to,” Conversation,, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Chamber of Architects, Kahramanmaras Representative Office, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Arkitera Platform “Where does Architecture Stand in Urbanization?”, Panel Discussion, Bursa, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Arkitera Platform “Where does Architecture Stand in Urbanization?”, Panel Discussion, Adana, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Building Meetings 3, “Projects Implemented Abroad”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, New Architect, “Career Stories in Architecture”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Gaggenau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Arkitera Platform 2004-2005 Period Evaluation Meeting, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Where Does Architectural Design Go?”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Gonca Paşolar, Renovation of Entrepot Royal in Brussels, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Where does Architecture Stand in Urbanization, Conference, Antalya, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Gaggennau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Bursa, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Pauses”, Bursa, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Yildiz Meetings, “Architectural Applications”, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Conversation, Adana, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Architecture Societal Dialogue and Organizations, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Gaggenau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “The Art of Making Buildings in Turkey”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Architecture in Metropol”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, White Wall Student Association, “7 Architect & 7 Comment”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Dialogue 2001, Forum, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “New Prospects in Architecture””, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “The Planning Process in Architecture”, Colloquium, Eskisehir, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Work of the Past 5 Years”, Conference, Izmir, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “A Section of Today’s Architecture”, Colloquium, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, , “Creativity in Art & Design”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul,Turkey
Emre Arolat, Yıldız Meeting, “Architectural Applications”, Presentation, Istanbul,Turkey
Emre Arolat, “1927 - Ankara Current Work”, Ankara, Turkey
Emre Arolat, “Conversation”, Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Akcakoca Meeting, Session, Duzce, Turkey
Emre Arolat, Implementations”, Conference, Istanbul,Turkey
Emre Arolat & Gonca Paşolar
“Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum”, Presentation, Venice, Italy, 2023
Architecture Meetings, “Designing and Building in the Real World”, Presentation, Online, 2021
Emre Arolat
Urbanism and Architecture in Bursa on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic, Bursa, Turkey, 2023
The Cities of the Future, Presentation, Ankara, Turkey, 2023
Space’23: Imagination Exhibition, Opening Speech, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023
Design and The City, “Scent of Trace”, Presentation, Tirana, Albania, 2023
Kazandibi Architectural Student Community, Kazantalks 4, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023
Medipol University Faculty of Architecture, Online, 2023
Share: International Architecture and Technology Innovation Forum, “Scent of Trace”, Presentation, Tirana, Albania, 2023
Next Academy, Permanent Solution, Common Mindset, Conversation, Online, 2023
Turkey Design Council, City Talks, “Urban Sprawl, Concretization, Density, Horizontal Architecture, and Profit-driven Development! Bogeymen and Bugbears... Let’s talk honestly”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023
“Hospitality Projects”, Lecture, Online, 2022
Heritage Istanbul Expo & Conference, “Museum and Architecture: Memory Spaces”, Presentation, Online, 2022
Heritage Istanbul Cultural Route Conference: Memory Spaces, Museums - Architecture and Exhibition, “Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
Istanbul Association of Independent Architects, , Scarpa Dialogues, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
Architects' Chamber Antalya Branch, Places Find their Tongue, Presentation, Antalya, Turkey, 2022
Ozyegin University, “Always in Limbo Between Fantasy and Reality”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
“To Design and Build in A World of Dreams and Reality”, Opening Speech, Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
MSGSU Department of Architecture, Witnessing 140 Years of Architecture: 1882- 2022, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
“Openly Speaking with Emre”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
Alp Alkaş Academy, Certificate Program in Retail and Real Estate Management, “Design Principles in Retail and Commercial Real Estate”, Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
“Scent of the Trace”, Presentation, Online, 2021
Digital Lecture Series, Online, 2021
Expert Zone, Sustainable Cities and Communities: Should Migrations to Mega-Cities Be Prevented?, Conversation, Online, 2021
Aluminum Talks, “Are You an Interior Architect or Exterior?”, Presentation, Online, 2021
Contemporary Architecture Discussions: Architectural Awards and Aga Khan, Conversation, Online, 2021
Aluminum Talks, “Are You an Interior Architect or Exterior?”, Presentation, Online, 2021
Contemporary Architecture Discussions: Architectural Awards and Aga Khan”, Conversation, Online, 2021
“Powder Paint in Sustainable Architecture”, Presentation, Online, 2021
Colorful Dialogues, Conversation, Online, 2021
Cities Developing Solutions: Re-Think, Co-Act, “Get to Know: Aga Khan Awards”, Presentation, Online, 2021
Opening Lecture, Online, 2021
Conversation, Online, 2021
Architecture Society Talk, “Scent of the Trace”, Online, 2021
“Discussion with Melike Altinisik”, Online, 2021
Tourism Investment Forum, “New Trends in Hotel Design - Built to Last: The Major Trends in Hospitality Construction and Design, “EAA Hotels”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020
“Against the Allure of Superficial Populism” , Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020
How to Become? Conversation with Nilay Ornek, Online, 2020
Instagram Live with Can Remzi Ergen / Vogue Turkey, “COVID-19: Without touching it?”, Conversation, Online, 2020
Podcast with Bahar Turkay, Online, 2020
LEAP, Leap of Faith, “Conversation with a Mentor”, Online, 2020
Parametric Architecture, Instagram Live Discussion with Hamid Hassanzadeh, Conversation, Online, 2020
212 Photography Festival, “Conversations with Sevim Aslan”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020
Discussions on Architecture, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020
Opening Ceremony, “Scent of the Trace”, Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey, 2020
Işıklı Buluşmalar - Architect Emre Arolat, Conversation, Online, 2020
Seminar, Online, 2020
Geberit & Arkitera Architecture Center, Design Explorers Beyond Time #7 Conference, Speech, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019
SADA Interdisciplinary Art Symposium, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019
Yeniköy Rotary Club, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019
”Context and Plurallity”, Keynote Speaker, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019
The Museum Hotel Antakya Visit, Presentation, Antakya, Turkey, 2019
Architecture Week: Housing for Everyone, Panel Discussion, Izmir, Turkey, 2019
“Hybridity”, Presentation, Venice, Italy, 2019
The Architectural League, Conference, New York, USA, 2019
MSGSU Graduation Ceremony Speech, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019
“The Untransformable Architecture of the Transforming City”, Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019
MSGSU Department of Architecture, Diploma Ceremony, “Culture and Performance Structures in the Context of Permeable City”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019
“Looking Back and Looking Forward: Architecture and Memory,” Presentation, London, UK, 2019
RIBA+VitrA Talks, “Scent of The Trace”, Presentation, London, UK, 2019
“Contextualism vs. New Tendencies”, Presentation, Las Vegas, USA, 2019
“Scent of The Trace”, Presentation, Las Vegas, USA, 2019
Presentation, New York, USA, 2018
RIBA, “Architect Emre Arolat in Conversation with Yehuda Safran”, Conversation, New York, USA, 2018
“Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, Boston, USA, 2018
“Scent of The Trace”, Conference, Boston, USA, 2018
Lunch and Learn with Award-Winning Architect Emre Arolat, “Specificity, New York, USA, 2018
“Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, New York, USA, 2018
"Tracing Footprints," Presentation, Muğla, Turkey, 2018
“Specificity”, Venice, Italy, 2018
Lecture Series: Current Work, “Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, New York, USA, 2018
Design Week Turkey, The Potential of Design, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
Institut Francais D'Architecture, "Context and Plurality", Lecture, Paris, France, 2017
“Media and Architecture”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
Rönesans Holding, “Designing the Sustainable Future”, “Design for Sustainable Future”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
Rönesans Holding, “Designing the Sustainable Future”, “Design for Sustainable Future”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Symposium on Conservation and Restoration of Wooden Structures, “Timber and Its Effects from Conventional to Contemporary”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
“Context and Plurality”, Lecture, New Haven, USA, 2017
Works of Art in 21st Century Turkey, “Permeable and Transitional”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
“Context and Reflections”, Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2016
“Bringing Industrial Past to the City with Culture and Education”, Conference, Kayseri, Turkey, 2016
First International Conference on Mosque Architecture, “Challenges of Designing a New Mosque Against the Stream”, Conference, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 2016
Özyeğin University & IAPS Culture and Space Network 3rd National Symposium: Istanbul and Housing Culture / Change, Transformation, and Continuity, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
“Context versus Extravaganza", Conference, Amman, Jordan, 2015
Asian Architecture on the Way of Transition, "A Section Through the Current Architectural Tendencies in Turkey”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
"Context and Reflections", Conference, New York, USA, 2015
"Context and Reflections”, Presentation, London, UK, 2015
"Context and Reflections", Conference, Milan, Italy, 2015
"Context and Reflections”, Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015
"A new neighborhood in the city: Zorlu Center ", Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
Theme: Blink of an Eye, TED Talks, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
“The Museum as a Complex and Ambiguous Architectural Space”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
Sancaklar Mosque”, Conference, Verona, Italy, 2015
“The Museum as a Complex and Ambiguous Architectural Space”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
"A new neighborhood in the city: Zorlu Center ", Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
Theme: Blink of an Eye, TED Talks, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
"Context and Reflections”, Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015
"Context and Reflections", Conference, Milan, Italy, 2015
"Context and Reflections”, Presentation, London, UK, 2015
"Context and Reflections", Conference, New York, USA, 2015
Asian Architecture on the Way of Transition, "A Section Through the Current Architectural Tendencies in Turkey”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
The Al-Hussein Cultural Center, “Context versus Extravaganza", Conference, Amman, Jordan, 2015
“Against, but in the Stream”, Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2014
“Mosques in Europe: Aesthetics of Faith and Intercultural Encounters in Public Space”, Conference, Berlin -,Germany, 2014
Against, but in the Stream”, Conference, Amman,Jordan, 2014
Istanbul and Moscow ”, Conference and Panel Discussion, Sigapore, 2014
“Worship Space and Essence” , Sancaklar Mosque, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
“Context and Identity”, Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2014
Seismic Safety Trade Fair”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
MAXXI Roma, Cose Turche, Architecture in Istanbul, Rome, Italy, 2014
‘’Architecture and Context’’, Conference, Pristina, Kosovo, 2014
Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Sustainable Cities, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
“Architecture and Identity”, Presentation, Mumbai, India, 2014
“Brand, City, Architecture, Structure and Bursa”, Presentation, Bursa, Turkey, 2014
Architecture Lecture Series, “Against, but in the Stream”, Lecture, LAU ,Beirut,Lebanon, 2014
I Want My Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum (IRHM) Museum, Panel, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
2nd Istanbul Design Biennial, 'Talk to Us' Talks, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014
‘’Port Istanbul’’, Panel Discussion, Barcelona, Spain, 2013
’Recent Works of EAA in Turkish Context’’, Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013
‘’Recent Works of EAA in Turkish Context’’, Lecture, Delft, Netherlands, 2013
From Tradition to the Future: Mosque Architecture Panel, "Essence", Panel Discussion, Adana, Turkey, 2013
“Taksim Square: The Animist City”, presentation, TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, 2013
Arkimeet,“Time Tunnel: Zorlu Center”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
The Museum of the Future/The Future of the Museum, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2013
“Renewing the City: Regeneration, Reuse and Retrofit”, Panel Discussion, Singapore, 2012
We Inquire, They Elucidate, Presentation, Mardin, Turkey, 2012
International Rotterdam Architecture Biennial, Making City Workshop Panel, “Urban Transformation in Istanbul: A Plague or A Potential”, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2012
ArkiPARC, PechaKucha Exclusive Session: Turkey Real Estate Vision 2023, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012
Conversation on Architectural Experience and Philosophy, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
“Originality, Specificity, and Freedom in Design” , Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
“Modern Architecture Legacy and Preservation Issues”, Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
Housing Convention: New Approaches, Strategies, Actions, and Urban Transformation in Housing, “Sustainable Housing Design and New Approaches Related to Urban Environment and Environmental Standards,” Conference, Istanbul, “City & Culture”, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2011
Architecture and Philosophy with Contemporary Turkish Architects, Conference, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2011
Akıntıya Karşı: Cepheden Yüzleşerek”, Presentation, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus, 2011
Presentation, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2011
Council of Shopping Centers - Turkey, Shopping Centers Conference II: Strategies in the New Era, “Malls and EAA”, Conference, Adana, Turkey, 2010
Mediterranean Cities: Architectural and Urban Design”, Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
World Architecture Week Conference, Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 2010
Green Institutions Conference, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
“Cinema and Architecture” Panel, Panel Discussion, Bursa, Turkey, 2009
Emre Arolat Conference, Izmir, Turkey, 2009
“Balkan Run” Panel, Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009
“Last 10 Years of Planning and Architecture Professions Symposium”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
1st International Construction Quality Summit, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
In Conversation with Emre Arolat, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
GYODER Restate 9th Real Estate Summit, “Discussion on Housing Investments”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
1st International Construction Quality Summit, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
“The Aspects of Contemporary Turkish Architecture Conference”, Conversation, Paris, France, 2009
“From the Kitchen of the Architect”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
Raif Dinckok Yalova Cultural Center Presentation, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
“Against the Stream”, Conference, Paris, France, 2009
“Dialogue of Architect and Material”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
Building Industry Center, “Building Products”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
Conversation, Mersin, Turkey, 2008
“Symposium on Dwellings”, Panel Discussion, Izmir, Turkey, 2008
ArciParc, “Future Visions III”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
“Recent Projects”, Panel Discussion, Ankara, Turkey, 2008
Progressive Architecture Symposium, Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 2008
UIA - World Architecture Congress, Turin, Italy, 2008
9th Real Estate Investing Managing Agent and Finance Services Exhibition, Panel Discussion, Turkey, 2007
Ataturk Cultural Centre and Congress Valley, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007
Workshop: Housing Profiles in Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007
“…With regard to,” Panel Discussion, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2007
“…With regard to,” Conversation, Ankara, Turkey, 2007
Conversation, Konya, Turkey, 2007
“New Approaches in Museum Architecture”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007
YEM “Future of Turkish Architecture, Round Table Discussion”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
“Whisper of Ground, Context, and Answers: Architecture and Art”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
“Kartal & Cekmece Projects”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
“Discussion on ‘…With regard to’ Exhibition”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
“4th Generation Discussion on Architecture”,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
The Fundacio Mies van der Rohe, “Coup de Des” Conference “The Emerging European Architectures”, Helsinki, Finland, 2006
ULI, “Value by Design”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
Kale Group, “Yıldız Meetings 06, Conversation, Bursa, Turkey, 2006
“…With regard to,” Conversation, Trabzon, Turkey, 2006
Chamber of Architects, Kahramanmaras Representative Office, Kahramanmaras, Turkey, 2005
Arkitera Platform “Where does Architecture Stand in Urbanization?”, Panel Discussion, Bursa, Turkey, 2005
Arkitera Platform “Where does Architecture Stand in Urbanization?”, Panel Discussion, Adana, Turkey, 2005
Building Meetings 3, “Projects Implemented Abroad”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
New Architect, “Career Stories in Architecture”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
Gaggenau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
Arkitera Platform 2004-2005 Period Evaluation Meeting, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
“Where Does Architectural Design Go?”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
Where does Architecture Stand in Urbanization, Conference, Antalya, Turkey, 2004
Gaggennau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Bursa, Turkey, 2004
“Pauses”, Bursa, Turkey, 2004
Yildiz Meetings, “Architectural Applications”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004
Yildiz Meetings, “Architectural Applications”, Istanbul, Turkey, 2004
Conversation, Adana, Turkey, 2003
Architecture Societal Dialogue and Organizations, Istanbul, Turkey, 2003
Gaggenau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2003
“The Art of Making Buildings in Turkey”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2003
“Architecture in Metropol”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002
White Wall Student Association, “7 Architect & 7 Comment”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002
Dialogue 2001, Forum, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001
“New Prospects in Architecture””, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001
“The Planning Process in Architecture”, Colloquium, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2001
“Work of the Past 5 Years”, Conference, Izmir, Turkey, 2001
“A Section of Today’s Architecture”, Colloquium, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000
“Creativity in Art & Design”, Panel Discussion, Istanbul,Turkey, 1999
Yıldız Meeting, “Architectural Applications”, Presentation, Istanbul,Turkey, 1999
“1927 - Ankara Current Work”, Ankara, Turkey, 1999
“Conversation”, Istanbul, Turkey, 1999
Akcakoca Meeting, Session, Duzce, Turkey, 1997
Implementations”, Conference, Istanbul,Turkey, 1993
Ferko Assemby, Designing the Cycle: Urban Regeneration, Buildings and Cyclicality, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023
YEM, Architectural Discussions in Today’s Turkey, “a hundred and forty character, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
Emre Arolat & YEM
Istanbul Bilgi University & YEM, Architectural Discussions in Today’s Turkey, “a hundred and forty character”, Conference and Panel Discussion, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
Emre Arolat & Dr. Charles Jencks
London Festival of Architecture, “Istanbul on the Way to Londonization”, Panel Discussion, London, UK, 2012
Gonca Paşolar
Zak Group, Façades Conference,“Façade Design as an Outcome”, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023
Keynote Speaker, Tirana, Albania, 2020
Interior of the Year Conference, “The Museum Hotel Antakya”, Presentation, Prague, Czech Republic, 2020
“Scent of the Trace”, Presentation, Hong Kong, Republic of China, 2019
New Generation Factories and Aesthetic Role Models Among Licensed Businesses, “A Production Facility Beyond the Conventional: İpekyol Textile Factory”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
Women in Architecture (In Assoc. with The Arhitectural Review), Panel Discussion, London, UK, 2015
Women in Architecture (In Assoc. with The Arhitectural Review), Panel Discussion,, London, UK, 2015
Lapseki Government Mansion and the Surrounding,, Çanakkale, Turkey, 2014
Symposium of ACO, “Architecture and Water”, Conference, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2012
Jury Member at Graduation Project, Izmir, Turkey, 2012
“Istanbul at Bosphorus and Golden Horn”, Conference, Rendsburg, Germany, 2012
Airport Development and Expansion Summit, “Same Programs Similar Contexts Unequal Solutions”, Presentation, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2012
“Project Management Seminar”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
“Architecture in Team Environment”, Conversation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
“…With regard to,” Conversation,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
Renovation of Entrepot Royal in Brussels, Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
Idris Ayar
“Design Your Own Career”, Conversation, Online, 2021
Perspective Virtual, “Context and Materiality”, Presentation, Online, 2021
Natali Tombak
ITU Industrial Archaeology Seminar, Lecture, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018
Re-ConD’15, Re-evaluating Contemporary Designs in Historical Context, “Shadows of Memories”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
Re-ConD’15, Re-evaluating Contemporary Designs in Historical Context, “Shadows of Memories”, Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2015
” Green Architecture in Turkey”, Conference, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2013
Özge Ertoptamış
“Context and Reflections”, Conference, Milan, Italy, 2016
Özgür Kayabay
Air Traffic Control Towers Summit, “Istanbul New Airport and Traffic Control Tower”, Presentation, Singapore, Singapore., 2017
Rüyet Sefercioğlu
Fresh Experiences in Professional Practice, Lecture, Online, 2022
Breus Art Museum Panel, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2022
Sezer Bahtiyar
Sustainability Academy, “Sustainability and Efficient Lighting”, Seminar, Istanbul, Türkiye, 2011
Şaziment and Neşet Arolat
SMD “Over 50 Years”, Conversation, 2013
KU Design Lab
Conversation, 2020
Goodness and Beauty
“Context and Memory”, Conversation, 2020
Adana, Çukurova University, From Tradition to the Future: Mosque Architecture Panel, "Essence", Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2013
Ankara, 1907 Architects’ Association, “Recent Projects”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2008
Ankara, Architects’ Association, “1927 - Ankara Current Work”, Emre Arolat, 1999
Ankara, Middle East Technical University, “…With regard to,” Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2007
Ankara, The Embassy of France, The Cities of the Future, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2023
Antakya, Tohum Autism Foundation, The Museum Hotel Antakya Visit, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
Antalya, Arkitera Platform 4, Where does Architecture Stand in Urbanization, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2004
Antalya, Chamber of Architects Antalya Representative Office, World Architecture Week Conference, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2010
Antalya, Turkan Soray Cultural Center, Architects' Chamber Antalya Branch, Places Find their Tongue, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2022
Bursa, 4th International Bursa Ipekyolu Film Festival, “Cinema and Architecture” Panel, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2009
Bursa, Arkitera Platform “Where does Architecture Stand in Urbanization?”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2005
Bursa, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bursa, “Brand, City, Architecture, Structure and Bursa”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2014
Bursa, Gaggennau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2004
Bursa, Kale Group, “Yıldız Meetings 06, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2006
Bursa, Uludag University Department of Architecture, “Pauses”, Emre Arolat, 2004
Bursa, Uludağ University, Urbanism and Architecture in Bursa on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic, Emre Arolat, 2023
Duzce, Chamber of Architects, Akcakoca Meeting, Session, Emre Arolat, 1997
Eskisehir, Anadolu University, “The Planning Process in Architecture”, Colloquium, Emre Arolat, 2001
Eskişehir, Chamber of Architects Eskişehir Representative Office, “…With regard to,” Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2007
Istanbul, 4th International Green Roof Congress, "A new neighborhood in the city: Zorlu Center ", Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Istanbul, 9th Real Estate Investing Managing Agent and Finance Services Exhibition, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2007
Istanbul, 9th Real Estate Investing Managing Agent and Finance Services Exhibition, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2007
Istanbul, Airport Development and Expansion Summit, “Same Programs Similar Contexts Unequal Solutions”, Presentation, Gonca Pasolar, 2012
Istanbul, Akbank Sanat Architecture Seminar Series, Works of Art in 21st Century Turkey, “Permeable and Transitional”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2016
Istanbul, Alldesign Istanbul, “Originality, Specificity, and Freedom in Design” , Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2011
Istanbul, Architecture Foundation Institute’s International Summer School “Cekmekoy, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2005
Istanbul, ArciParc, “Future Visions III”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2008
Istanbul, Arkitera Platform 2004-2005 Period Evaluation Meeting, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2005
Istanbul, Arkitera Platform 3, Architecture Societal Dialogue and Organizations, Emre Arolat, 2003
Istanbul, Arkitera Platform, “Architecture in Team Environment”, Conversation, Gonca Pasolar, 2006
Istanbul, Arkitera, Ataturk Cultural Centre and Congress Valley, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2007
Istanbul, Arkitera, Dialogue 2001, Forum, Emre Arolat, 2001
Istanbul, Aura İstanbul, Aura Suare, “Against the Allure of Superficial Populism” , Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2020
Istanbul, Ağa Han Architecture Award elebration Event, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2011
Istanbul, Bahçesehir University, Department of Architecture, In Conversation with Emre Arolat, Emre Arolat, 2009
Istanbul, Bahçeşehir University, Architecture and Philosophy with Contemporary Turkish Architects, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2011
Istanbul, Bilgi University, , Workshop: Housing Profiles in Istanbul, Emre Arolat, 2007
Istanbul, Bilgi University, Kazandibi Architectural Student Community, Kazantalks 4, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2023
Istanbul, Bilgi University, Raif Dinckok Yalova Cultural Center Presentation, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2009
Istanbul, Bilgi University, “Kartal & Cekmece Projects”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2006
Istanbul, Bogazici University, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Sustainable Cities, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2014
Istanbul, Bogazici University, “Project Management Seminar”, Conference, Gonca Pasolar, 2009
Istanbul, Bomontiada – ATÖLYE, Özyeğin University & IAPS Culture and Space Network 3rd National Symposium: Istanbul and Housing Culture / Change, Transformation, and Continuity, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2016
Istanbul, Building Industry Center, “Building Products”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2008
Istanbul, Building Meetings 3, “Projects Implemented Abroad”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2005
Istanbul, Chamber of Architects Izmir Representative Office, “4th Generation Discussion on Architecture”,, Emre Arolat, 2006
Istanbul, Chamber of Architects Kadikoy Representative Office, Implementations”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 1993
Istanbul, Connie Ballroom- Hilton Bosphoruse, Zak Group, Façades Conference,“Façade Design as an Outcome”, Presentation, Gonca Paşolar, 2023
Istanbul, Conrad Hotel, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Symposium on Conservation and Restoration of Wooden Structures, “Timber and Its Effects from Conventional to Contemporary”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2017
Istanbul, Contemporary İstanbul, “City & Culture”, Emre Arolat, 2011
Istanbul, Erciyes University Faculty of Architecture, “…With regard to,” Conversation,, Gonca Pasolar, 2006
Istanbul, FMV Isik Schools, Istanbul Association of Independent Architects, , Scarpa Dialogues, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2022
Istanbul, Gaggenau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2003
Istanbul, Gaggenau 9+1 Round Table Discussions, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2005
Istanbul, Galata Private Greek Primary School, 2nd Istanbul Design Biennial, 'Talk to Us' Talks, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2014
Istanbul, Haliç Congress Center, ArkiPARC, PechaKucha Exclusive Session: Turkey Real Estate Vision 2023, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2012
Istanbul, Haliç Congress Center, Arkimeet,“Time Tunnel: Zorlu Center”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2013
Istanbul, Heritage Museology, Archaeology, Restoration Technologies Fair, “The Museum as a Complex and Ambiguous Architectural Space”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Istanbul, Heritage Museology, Archaeology, Restoration Technologies Fair, “The Museum as a Complex and Ambiguous Architectural Space”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Istanbul, ITU Faculty of Architecture, “The Untransformable Architecture of the Transforming City”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2019
Istanbul, ITU Mustafa Kemal Amphitheater, Geberit & Arkitera Architecture Center, Design Explorers Beyond Time #7 Conference, Speech, Emre Arolat, 2019
Istanbul, ITU, ITU Industrial Archaeology Seminar, Lecture, Natali Tombak, 2018
Istanbul, ITU, Re-ConD’15, Re-evaluating Contemporary Designs in Historical Context, “Shadows of Memories”, Conference, Natali Tombak, 2015
Istanbul, ITU, Re-ConD’15, Re-evaluating Contemporary Designs in Historical Context, “Shadows of Memories”, Conference, Natali Tombak, 2015
Istanbul, International Rotterdam Architecture Biennial, Making City Workshop Panel, “Urban Transformation in Istanbul: A Plague or A Potential”, Emre Arolat, 2012
Istanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University & YEM, Architectural Discussions in Today’s Turkey, “a hundred and forty character, Emre Arolat, YEM, 2015
Istanbul, Istanbul Bilgi University & YEM, Architectural Discussions in Today’s Turkey, “a hundred and forty character”, Conference and Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat & YEM, 2015
Istanbul, Istanbul Chamber of Industry, New Generation Factories and Aesthetic Role Models Among Licensed Businesses, “A Production Facility Beyond the Conventional: İpekyol Textile Factory”, Conference, Gonca Paşolar, 2016
Istanbul, Istanbul Congress Center, Housing Convention: New Approaches, Strategies, Actions, and Urban Transformation in Housing, “Sustainable Housing Design and New Approaches Related to Urban Environment and Environmental Standards,” Conference, Emre Arolat, 2011
Istanbul, Istanbul Design Week, “Where Does Architectural Design Go?”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2005
Istanbul, Istanbul Kultur University, “Openly Speaking with Emre”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2022
Istanbul, Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum Istanbul, MSGSU Department of Architecture, Witnessing 140 Years of Architecture: 1882- 2022, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2022
Istanbul, Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum, Heritage Istanbul Cultural Route Conference: Memory Spaces, Museums - Architecture and Exhibition, “Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2022
Istanbul, Istanbul Seismic Talks, Seismic Safety Trade Fair”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2014
Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University, , “Creativity in Art & Design”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 1999
Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University, Asian Architecture on the Way of Transition, "A Section Through the Current Architectural Tendencies in Turkey”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University, Asian Architecture on the Way of Transition, "A Section Through the Current Architectural Tendencies in Turkey”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University, Asian Architecture on the Way of Transition, "A Section Through the Current Architectural Tendencies in Turkey”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University, White Wall Student Association, “7 Architect & 7 Comment”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2002
Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University, “Discussion on ‘…With regard to’ Exhibition”, Emre Arolat, 2006
Istanbul, Istanbul Technical University, “Modern Architecture Legacy and Preservation Issues”, Symposium, Emre Arolat, 2011
Istanbul, Istinye University Department of Architecture, “To Design and Build in A World of Dreams and Reality”, Opening Speech, Emre Arolat, 2022
Istanbul, Kadir Has University Conference Hall, 1st International Construction Quality Summit, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2009
Istanbul, Kadir Has University Conference Hall, 1st International Construction Quality Summit, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2009
Istanbul, Kale Design Center, SantralIstanbul, “From the Kitchen of the Architect”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2009
Istanbul, Karadeniz Technical University, “New Prospects in Architecture””, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2001
Istanbul, Lutfi Kirdar International Congress and Exhibition Center, GYODER Restate 9th Real Estate Summit, “Discussion on Housing Investments”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2009
Istanbul, MSGSU Graduation Ceremony Speech, Emre Arolat, 2019
Istanbul, Maltepe University, Reflections on 1st International Architecture Biennale of Antalya, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2011
Istanbul, New Architect, “Career Stories in Architecture”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2005
Istanbul, Ozyegin University, Alp Alkaş Academy, Certificate Program in Retail and Real Estate Management, “Design Principles in Retail and Commercial Real Estate”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2022
Istanbul, Park Inn Radisson Hotel, SADA Interdisciplinary Art Symposium, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
Istanbul, Pera Museum, The Museum of the Future/The Future of the Museum, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2013
Istanbul, Raffles Hotel, Tourism Investment Forum, “New Trends in Hotel Design - Built to Last: The Major Trends in Hospitality Construction and Design, “EAA Hotels”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2020
Istanbul, Rezan Has Museum, “New Approaches in Museum Architecture”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2007
Istanbul, Reşat Aytaç Auditorium, Ozyegin University, “Always in Limbo Between Fantasy and Reality”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2022
Istanbul, Rotary Club Istanbul, Designing the Cycle: Urban Regeneration, Buildings and Cyclicality, Presentation, Emre Arolat, Ferko Assemby, 2023
Istanbul, Salt Galata, Design Week Turkey, The Potential of Design, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2017
Istanbul, Salt Galata, “Media and Architecture”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2017
Istanbul, Sedad Hakkı Eldem Auditorium, MSGSU Department of Architecture, Diploma Ceremony, “Culture and Performance Structures in the Context of Permeable City”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
Istanbul, Soho House, 212 Photography Festival, “Conversations with Sevim Aslan”, Emre Arolat, 2020
Istanbul, St. Regis Hotel, Yeniköy Rotary Club, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
Istanbul, Swissotel Bosphorus, Green Institutions Conference, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2009
Istanbul, Swissotel Bosphorus, “Dialogue of Architect and Material”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2008
Istanbul, Swissotel The Bosphorus, Sustainability Academy, “Sustainability and Efficient Lighting”, Seminar, Sezer Bahtiyar, 2011
Istanbul, Symposium of ACO, “Architecture and Water”, Conference, Gonca Pasolar, 2012
Istanbul, TDC, Turkey Design Council, City Talks, “Urban Sprawl, Concretization, Density, Horizontal Architecture, and Profit-driven Development! Bogeymen and Bugbears... Let’s talk honestly”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2023
Istanbul, TED Rönesans College, Rönesans Holding, “Designing the Sustainable Future”, “Design for Sustainable Future”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2017
Istanbul, TEDx, Sabanci University, Theme: Blink of an Eye, TED Talks, Emre Arolat, 2015
Istanbul, TEDx, Sabanci University, Theme: Blink of an Eye, TED Talks, Emre Arolat, 2015
Istanbul, The Turkish Building Information Center, “The Art of Making Buildings in Turkey”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2003
Istanbul, ULI, “Value by Design”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2006
Istanbul, Uludag University Department of Architecture, Discussions on Architecture, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2020
Istanbul, Visual Arts Association Platform, I Want My Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum (IRHM) Museum, Panel, Emre Arolat, 2014
Istanbul, YEM “Future of Turkish Architecture, Round Table Discussion”, Emre Arolat, 2006
Istanbul, Yapı Meetings 3, Implemented Overseas Projects, Renovation of Entrepot Royal in Brussels, Presentation, Gonca Pasolar, 2005
Istanbul, Yeditepe University Department of Architecture, Opening Ceremony, “Scent of the Trace”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2020
Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University, Conversation on Architectural Experience and Philosophy, Emre Arolat, 2011
Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University, YTU Auditorium, “Last 10 Years of Planning and Architecture Professions Symposium”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2009
Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University, Yildiz Meetings, “Architectural Applications”, Emre Arolat, 2004
Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University, “A Section of Today’s Architecture”, Colloquium, Emre Arolat, 2000
Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University, “Conversation”, Emre Arolat, 1999
Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University, “Whisper of Ground, Context, and Answers: Architecture and Art”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2006
Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University, “Worship Space and Essence” , Sancaklar Mosque, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2014
Istanbul, Yildız Technical University, Yıldız Meeting, “Architectural Applications”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 1999
Istanbul, Zorlu PSM, Space’23: Imagination Exhibition, Opening Speech, Emre Arolat, 2023
Istanbul, “Architecture in Metropol”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2002
Izmir, 9 Eylul University, Faculty of Architecture, Jury Member at Graduation Project, Gonca Pasolar, 2012
Izmir, Architects' Chamber Izmir Branch, Architecture Week: Housing for Everyone, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2019
Izmir, Dokuz Eylul University, “Work of the Past 5 Years”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2001
Izmir, Izmir Free Architects’ Association, “Symposium on Dwellings”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2008
Izmir, Izmir Institute of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Emre Arolat Conference, Emre Arolat, 2009
Kahramanmaras, “A Section in Modern Architecture”, Conference, Chamber of Architects, Kahramanmaras Representative Office, Emre Arolat, 2005
Kayseri, The Dreams of the City with VitrA, “Bringing Industrial Past to the City with Culture and Education”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2016
Konya, Chamber of Architects Konya Representative Office, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2007
Mardin, Mardin Artuklu University, Faculty of Architecture Design Studios, We Inquire, They Elucidate, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2012
Mersin, Chamber of Architects Mersin Representative Office, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2008
Muğla, Bodrum Architecture Library - Architect Presentations, "Tracing Footprints," Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2018
Nicosia, International Cyprus University, Akıntıya Karşı: Cepheden Yüzleşerek”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2011
Trabzon, Karadeniz Technical University, “…With regard to,” Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2006
Çanakkale, Lapseki Government Mansion and the Surrounding,, Gonca Pasolar, 2014
Barcelona, Construmat Barcelona, ‘’Port Istanbul’’, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2013
Barcelona, The Fundacio Mies van der Rohe, Coup de Des Conference, Mediterranean Cities: Architectural and Urban Design”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2010
Berlin, Istanbul Policy Center, “Mosques in Europe: Aesthetics of Faith and Intercultural Encounters in Public Space”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2014
Budapest, 13th International Architecture Congress, “Context and Reflections”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2016
Delft, The Berlage Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design, “Taksim Square: The Animist City”, presentation, Emre Arolat, 2013
Delft, The Berlage Studio Architecture and Urban Design, ‘’Recent Works of EAA in Turkish Context’’, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2013
Hamburg, Leibniz University, “Context and Identity”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2014
London, London Festival of Architecture, “Istanbul on the Way to Londonization”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat with Dr. Charles Jencks, 2012
London, Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA+VitrA Talks, “Scent of The Trace”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
London, TTC Talk, “Looking Back and Looking Forward: Architecture and Memory,” Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
London, World Architecture Festival (WAF), "Context and Reflections”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2015
London, World Architecture Festival (WAF), "Context and Reflections”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2015
London, World Architecture Festival (WAF), Women in Architecture (In Assoc. with The Arhitectural Review), Panel Discussion, Gonca Pasolar, 2015
London, World Architecture Festival (WAF), Women in Architecture (In Assoc. with The Arhitectural Review), Panel Discussion,, Gonca Pasolar, 2015
Milan, Forum Perspective The Plan, "Context and Reflections", Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Milan, Forum Perspective The Plan, "Context and Reflections", Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Milan, Forum Perspective The Plan, “Context and Reflections”, Conference, Özge Ertoptamış, 2016
Paris, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Institut Francais D'Architecture, "Context and Plurality", Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2017
Paris, ISMD - FOLIA Project Conference, “Against the Stream”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2009
Paris, Société Française des Architectes, “The Aspects of Contemporary Turkish Architecture Conference”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2009
Prague, DOX-Center of Contemporary Art, Interior of the Year Conference, “The Museum Hotel Antakya”, Presentation, Gonca Paşolar, 2020
Prague, Prague Architecture Week, ’Recent Works of EAA in Turkish Context’’, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2013
Pristina, Pristina Architecture Week, ‘’Architecture and Context’’, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2014
Rendsburg, ACO Symposium, “Istanbul at Bosphorus and Golden Horn”, Conference, Gonca Pasolar, 2012
Rome, Implications, and Significance of a Changing Metropolis, Conference, MAXXI Roma, Cose Turche, Architecture in Istanbul, Emre Arolat, 2014
Sarajevo, Sarajevo Green Design Festival, ” Green Architecture in Turkey”, Conference, Natali Tombak, 2013
Sarajevo, The University of Sarajevo, “Against, but in the Stream”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2014
Sofia, 12th Summit of International Architecture Academy, "Context and Reflections”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Sofia, 12th Summit of International Architecture Academy, "Context and Reflections”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Sofia, Sofia Architecture Week, “Balkan Run” Panel, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2009
Tirana, Metropolitan University of Tirana, Design and The City, “Scent of Trace”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2023
Tirana, SHARE Tirana, Keynote Speaker, Gonca Paşolar, 2020
Tirana, The National Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Share: International Architecture and Technology Innovation Forum, “Scent of Trace”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2023
Turin, UIA - World Architecture Congress, Emre Arolat, 2008
Venice, Share Talks Venice, “Hybridity”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
Venice, The New Together Casa Platform Venice, “Istanbul Painting and Sculpture Museum”, Presentation, Emre Arolat & Gonca Paşolar, 2023
Venice, Venice Biennale Talk, “Specificity”, Emre Arolat, 2018
Verona, Verona International Award Architecture in Stone, Sancaklar Mosque”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Helsinki, The Fundacio Mies van der Rohe, “Coup de Des” Conference “The Emerging European Architectures”, Emre Arolat, 2006
Boston, Boston Society of Architecture, “Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2018
Boston, RISD Conference, “Scent of The Trace”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2018
Las Vegas, AIA Conference on Architecture, “Contextualism vs. New Tendencies”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
Las Vegas, AIA Honorary Membership Forum, “Scent of The Trace”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2019
Mexico City, Progressive Architecture Symposium, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2008
New Haven, Yale School of Architecture Fall Term Courses, “Context and Plurality”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2017
New York, Architectural League, Lecture Series: Current Work, “Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2018
New York, Cooper Union, The Architectural League, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2019
New York, EAA NY Studios, RIBA, “Architect Emre Arolat in Conversation with Yehuda Safran”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2018
New York, Pratt Institute, "Context and Reflections", Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
New York, Pratt Institute, "Context and Reflections", Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
New York, Princeton Club New York ,, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2018
New York, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, “Scent of The Trace”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2018
New York, The Core Club, Lunch and Learn with Award-Winning Architect Emre Arolat, “Specificity, Emre Arolat, 2018
Amman, The Jordan Engineering Association, The Al-Hussein Cultural Center, “Context versus Extravaganza", Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Amman, The Jordan Engineering Association, The Al-Hussein Cultural Center, “Context versus Extravaganza", Conference, Emre Arolat, 2015
Amman, The Omrania/CSBE, Against, but in the Stream”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2014
Dammam, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, First International Conference on Mosque Architecture, “Challenges of Designing a New Mosque Against the Stream”, Conference, Emre Arolat, 2016
Dhaka, Arcasia Forum, ”Context and Plurallity”, Keynote Speaker, Emre Arolat, 2019
Hong Kong, HKIA Cross Strait Architectural Design Symposium and Awards (CADSA), “Scent of the Trace”, Presentation, Gonca Paşolar, 2019
LAU ,Beirut, Lebanese American University Department of Architecture and Interior Design, Architecture Lecture Series, “Against, but in the Stream”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2014
Mumbai, 361° Conference Mumbai, “Architecture and Identity”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2014
Singapore, ATC Network, Air Traffic Control Towers Summit, “Istanbul New Airport and Traffic Control Tower”, Presentation, Özgür Kayabay, 2017
Singapore, World Architecture Festival (WAF), Istanbul and Moscow ”, Conference and Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2014
Singapore, World Architecture Festival (WAF), “Renewing the City: Regeneration, Reuse and Retrofit”, Panel Discussion, Emre Arolat, 2012
Tbilisi, Breus Art Museum Panel, Rüyet Sefercioğlu, 2022
AURA Istanbul, Colorful Dialogues, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2021
AkzoNobel, “Powder Paint in Sustainable Architecture”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2021
Architects not Architecture, Virtual World Tour: Turkey Edition, “Discussion with Melike Altinisik”, Emre Arolat, 2021
Arredamento Architecture, Contemporary Architecture Discussions: Architectural Awards and Aga Khan, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2021
Arredamento Architecture, Contemporary Architecture Discussions: Architectural Awards and Aga Khan”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2021
Bauhaus University, Digital Lecture Series, Emre Arolat, 2021
Bilkent University Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, and Architecture, “Design Your Own Career”, Conversation, Idris Ayar, 2021
Bilkent University, Fresh Experiences in Professional Practice, Lecture, Rüyet Sefercioğlu, 2022
Coventry University, Architecture Society Talk, “Scent of the Trace”, Emre Arolat, 2021
Cyprus International University Department of Architecture, Seminar, Emre Arolat, 2020
Goodness and Beauty, “Context and Memory”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2020
Haifa Award Design Talk, “Scent of the Trace”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2021
How to Become? Conversation with Nilay Ornek, Emre Arolat, 2020
Instagram Live with Can Remzi Ergen / Vogue Turkey, “COVID-19: Without touching it?”, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2020
Isik University Faculty of Fine Arts, Işıklı Buluşmalar - Architect Emre Arolat, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2020
Istinye University, Architecture Meetings, “Designing and Building in the Real World”, Presentation, Emre Arolat & Gonca Pasolar, 2021
Kadir Has University, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2021
Koc University, KU Design Lab, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2020
LEAP, Leap of Faith, “Conversation with a Mentor”, Emre Arolat, 2020
Lutfi Kirdar Congress and Exhibition Palace, Heritage Istanbul Expo & Conference, “Museum and Architecture: Memory Spaces”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2022
METU - Ali Osman Ozturk Studio, “Hospitality Projects”, Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2022
Marmara International Urban Forum, Cities Developing Solutions: Re-Think, Co-Act, “Get to Know: Aga Khan Awards”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2021
Medipol University Faculty of Architecture, Opening Lecture, Emre Arolat, 2021
Next Academy, Permanent Solution, Common Mindset, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2023
Opening Speech of the Academic Year, Medipol University Faculty of Architecture, Emre Arolat, 2023
Parametric Architecture, Instagram Live Discussion with Hamid Hassanzadeh, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2020
Podcast with Bahar Turkay, Emre Arolat, 2020
Reynears Academy, Aluminum Talks, “Are You an Interior Architect or Exterior?”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2021
Reynears Academy, Aluminum Talks, “Are You an Interior Architect or Exterior?”, Presentation, Emre Arolat, 2021
SMD “Over 50 Years”, Conversation, Şaziment and Neşet Arolat, 2013
Sabanci University, Expert Zone, Sustainable Cities and Communities: Should Migrations to Mega-Cities Be Prevented?, Conversation, Emre Arolat, 2021
Studio PKA, Stories @ the Loft, Conversation, Natali Tombak, 2021
The Plan Magazine Perspective Forum, Perspective Virtual, “Context and Materiality”, Presentation, Idris Ayar, 2021