To produce architectural projects that achieve sustainable, innovative, and contextually appropriate structures in different geographies of the world.
To see each design subject as a new opportunity to positively impact the world and its immediate surroundings, to present meaningful, high-quality, and thought-provoking works and ideas in both architectural practice and academia, to create an environment that can strive for lasting values in every field, regardless of conditions, and to be an inspiring example to its surroundings while carrying out all these activities in as wide and diverse a geography as possible.
For EAA – Emre Arolat Architecture, quality is not a target to be achieved but a continuously developing process. In this context, our goal as an institution that outputs the right projects in different geographies of the world in terms of project production and design services, while considering profitability, efficiency, and competition, and contributing to people, nature, and all elements it interacts with, is to provide the best service and benefit to our customers, ensure the continuity of customer satisfaction, and continuously improve our Quality System.
To achieve this, we, as Top Management, commit to adhering to the following principles:
Ensuring the quality of the service we provide and the goals we set in line with contemporary operating and management approaches, and continuously measuring and improving them.
Increasing the motivation and contributions of our employees through a fair working environment, continuous training, and development, with the awareness that the way to satisfy our customers and users is through the satisfaction and happiness of our employees, in line with a human-oriented management approach.
Evaluating our suppliers and subcontractors as part of our quality system with the awareness of using quality inputs and services.
Participating in projects that are economically efficient in the sector, as well as contributing to both people and nature, and are suitable for social responsibility, environmental integrity, sustainability, and protecting our future.
Being open to any changes that may occur in our working styles or practices and including our employees in this process.
Seeing our quality system as a whole, applying it in all the projects we carry out, and instilling this awareness in our employees.
As EAA employees, it is our duty to achieve Total Quality Management, continuity, and business excellence.
Everyone working at EAA – Emre Arolat Architecture is responsible for health, safety, and environmental issues. Our employees actively participate in the implementation of the HSE Policy and its rules. Our good performance in this area is the key to our success. Our goal is to continuously improve by providing a work environment without accidents, without harming people or their values, and by protecting our environment.
In line with this goal, as Senior Management:
We will carry out our activities within the scope of Architectural Design works by continuously improving the effectiveness of the Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.
We will adopt principles that will consider nature and all living beings in our designs.
We will evaluate all possibilities to produce projects that will reduce pollution to the lowest possible values.
We will propose systems that will ensure the most efficient and economical use of natural resources and all kinds of energy sources in our designs, and we will support sustainability.
We will take necessary measures by conducting controls based on risk assessment.
We will provide a safe and healthy working environment, preventing any health issues that may arise due to our work and occupational diseases.
We will ensure that all our employees are part of both our environmental and occupational health and safety culture.
We commit to complying with other national and international conditions, including legal requirements.
EAA – Emre Arolat Architecture aims to ensure customer and user satisfaction, provide services at high quality and standards with efficient use of natural resources, and contribute to the development of economic life. In this way, it aims to be a symbol of reliability, continuity, and respectability for its customers, partners, employees, suppliers, and the society it interacts with, both locally and globally, and to achieve sustainable growth in parallel.
All stakeholders and employees are expected to comply with the rules of business ethics and all application principles that support these rules, and to protect and enhance the reputation and reliability of EAA’s corporate structure. It is among the primary duties and responsibilities of the management team to inform all employees about the working principles and ethical rules, ensure that employees give the necessary importance to these rules, and show the necessary effort and leadership in complying with the principles and rules.
To Our Customers
EAA focuses on creating value for customers, meeting their demands and needs at the highest level, following stable policies, creating a long-term trust environment in relations with customers, and not providing misleading or incomplete information to customers. EAA treats all its customers equally regardless of race, religion, language, nationality, and gender, and takes care to keep the confidentiality of information related to customers within the scope of trade secrets.
To Our Subcontractors and Suppliers
EAA respects and protects the rights of subcontractors and suppliers granted by laws and regulations. In cases not regulated by legislation, mutual interests will be protected within the framework of good faith rules and to the extent of EAA’s capabilities. EAA treats all subcontractors and suppliers equally regardless of race, religion, language, nationality, and gender, and takes care to keep the confidentiality of information related to subcontractors and suppliers within the scope of trade secrets.
To Our Competitors
We will compete fairly and legally with all our competitors, adhering to the principles of our working principles, and will not allow our activities to lead to unfair competition. EAA will always be an organization that competes correctly, honestly, and in accordance with the requirements of the sector in all areas it operates.
To Our Employees
EAA does not discriminate based on race, religion, language, nationality, and gender in all its relations with its employees. It will take pride in the diversity and cultural variety of its employees and see this diversity as a tool for development. The rights and career planning of our employees will be arranged according to the principle of equal opportunity. EAA is committed to offering equal opportunities to all individuals suitable for the same position in its recruitment and promotion policies. To ensure that there is no illegal discrimination against any employee or applicant in all activities and employment practices, applicable laws supporting equal employment opportunities are followed. It is a priority company policy not to tolerate harassment that negatively affects EAA’s reputation and employees’ job performance, creating an aggressive and hostile work environment. EAA prohibits all employees, including managers and employers, from being discriminated against and harassed by other employees and ignoring this. It will take care to protect the personal information of our employees. Except for legally permitted cases under the Personal Data Protection Law, the personal information of our employees, suppliers, and business partners will never be used for the benefit of EAA or third parties without their personal consent. A safe and peaceful working environment will be provided for our employees, and necessary care will be taken to protect their health. The rights of our employees granted by laws and regulations will be respected and protected.
To the State, Project Users, and the Public
EAA adheres to the fundamental principles of law and the laws in force in all countries where it operates. EAA never disregards public interests while conducting its commercial business and activities. It aims to carry out its activities in harmony with all social segments it communicates or works with.
The fundamental principles adopted by EAA are listed below:
Responsible Commercial Understanding
• Not to see commercial transactions as merely an activity for financial gain,
• To conduct all commercial activities within the boundaries of corporate culture, stakeholders, environmental factors, legal regulations, and sustainability rules,
• To adopt an approach in line with EAA’s vision and mission in all types of project services and not to be involved in projects that contradict this.
• Not to make any agreements or coordinated behaviours in any way that aim to prevent, disrupt, or restrict competition directly or indirectly with competitors or other persons or organizations beyond the limits permitted by legislation,
• Not to abuse its dominant position even if it is in a dominant position in a particular market,
• Not to negotiate or exchange information with competitors to jointly determine market and/or competition conditions,
• To avoid any negotiations and transactions that may lead to or be characterized as the above-mentioned situations in association, assembly, chamber, professional union meetings, and other private or professional meetings and negotiations attended on behalf of the company.
Compliance with Laws and Legal Activities
• To act in accordance with the laws of the country where it operates, EAA policies, and working principles in all matters within its field of activity,
• To manage, record, and report all business activities and accounting/finance systems fully and appropriately according to the laws,
• To ensure that contracts made with other persons and organizations are in compliance with laws and ethical rules, clear and understandable,
• To prevent any EAA employee from engaging in any transaction that would commit EAA outside the principles and limits specified in the signature circulars or the relevant special authorization document.
Activities Supporting Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Rules, Sustainability
• To adopt the principle that all employees share the common responsibility of improving occupational health and safety by meeting all legal and national/international obligations regarding occupational health and safety, and to use a proactive occupational safety approach in all activities,
• To design business processes by considering the use of natural resources, environmental impacts, and all necessary measures for a sustainable nature,
• To ensure that employees act in accordance with the rules and instructions set for this purpose and take the necessary precautions to fully ensure occupational health and safety at the workplace and on the job,
• Not to keep any items or substances that pose a danger to the workplace and/or employees or are illegal at the workplace,
• Not to keep, use, or work under the influence of drugs, addictive substances, or substances that restrict or eliminate mental and physical faculties at the workplace, except for those kept based on a valid doctor’s report,
• To demonstrate commitment to environmental rules by protecting nature and the environment, supporting all efforts to raise public awareness for sustainability,
• To aim to increase environmental protection awareness by educating employees and business partners, minimizing the need for natural resources, energy losses, and waste,
• To develop methods to prevent pollution at its source by perceiving all waste disposal processes as a loss of natural resources,
• To adopt the principles of fulfilling all legal requirements and other environmental protection obligations related to the environment in business processes.
Active Communication and Corporate Informing, Information Flow, Confidentiality
• All activities of EAA are carried out within the scope of confidentiality principles. Employees are obliged to comply with the following rules:
• To make statements or announcements regarding public disclosure in accordance with the law and regulations through legal representatives,
• To comply with the prohibition on transferring and trading company information to third parties,
• To keep all kinds of information about EAA, employees’ personal information, and information about customers and business partners confidential,
• Not to disclose confidential and non-public information about EAA, not to use it for their own or others’ benefit,To pay attention to the limitations related to copyright, trademark, trade secret, and patent,
• To keep customer-related information confidential within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law and not to give it to third parties except by order of the competent authorities.
EAA’s private commercial secrets, financial information, customer and employee information, information acquired during the working period, materials, programs and documents, computer and telecommunication systems, hardware-software and all other arrangements and applications, as well as all works, agreements, and products developed by employees during their working period at the institution are confidential and are under the ownership of EAA. Information about third parties obtained during the conducted works is also evaluated within this scope. These documents cannot be used for personal and private interests or for the benefit of third parties, institutions, and organizations, either during the working period at the institution or after leaving the job.
It is essential that EAA employees do not use the institution’s equipment, system, or email system to prepare, store, or send personal and private information. However, if used, they will be deemed to have waived the confidentiality of personal information, and employees responsible for the institution’s supervision and security will have the right to examine such information.
Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest refers to any benefit provided to employees, their relatives, friends, or persons or organizations they are in contact with, which affects or may affect their impartial execution of their duties, and any material or personal interest they have with them. EAA employees have adopted the following principles regarding potential conflicts of interest and their management:
• Not to gain unfair advantage for themselves, their relatives, or third parties by using their title and authority,
• To be careful not to fall into a conflict of interest with EAA,
• To ensure that personal investments or any activities outside of work do not hinder the performance of their current duties in terms of time and attention and to avoid such situations that prevent focusing on main tasks,
• To inform their superior if the employee and a first-degree relative in a customer or supplier company are in a first-degree decision-making position related to the same job,
• Employees must report their shareholding or participation in investments in another company that may be considered a conflict of interest during their initial employment. This issue is specifically questioned during job interviews with candidates. Employees are obliged to inform their superior of any changes in this situation and similar issues that may be perceived as a conflict of interest. The measures to be taken as a result of such a notification are at the discretion of EAA Senior Management.
Participation in Representation and Organization Invitations
• Approval of EAA Senior Management is sought for participation in organizations and activities carried out by persons or institutions with which there is or may be a business relationship, which are influential in decision-making or may be perceived as such. Support activities carried out by EAA are always managed institutionally.
Receiving and Giving Gifts
• In managing relations with private or official persons and institutions that want to establish or maintain a business relationship with EAA, it is necessary not to accept or offer any gift that creates the impression of irregularity, may cause a dependency relationship, or may be perceived as such, except for promotional materials, not to request any discount or benefit from suppliers, dealers, authorized services, customers, community companies, or third parties that may be perceived as inappropriate, not to offer them to third parties, and not to accept them if offered.
Working with EAA Emre Arolat Architecture After Leaving
• It is a very important issue that should be carefully considered that after leaving the job at EAA, establishing a business personally or by partnering with a company as a seller, contractor, consultant, broker, representative, dealer, or in similar ways may create negative perceptions. It is necessary to act within the framework of EAA’s interests, comply with moral and ethical rules, and not allow conflicts of interest before and after such a process. If there is an inappropriate situation, no commercial relationship should be established with the relevant person. In such a case, action is taken at the discretion of EAA Senior Management.
Insider Trading
• It should be known that attempting to obtain any commercial benefit (insider trading) by using or providing any confidential information belonging to EAA to third parties, including direct or indirect share trading from stock exchanges, is a legal crime and should never be attempted.
Global Responsibility
EAA is aware that contributing to society, as well as contributing to the economy, is a requirement of modernity and effective commercial activity.
In this regard, EAA has adopted the following principles:
• To act for the benefit of our world in accordance with the principles determined by the United Nations Global Compact and to strive to ensure that our employees, subcontractors, partners, and suppliers act accordingly,
• To support works that will contribute to economic and social development,
• To show sensitivity to issues concerning society and to support the positive development of society,
• To work to support employees to volunteer for appropriate social activities in which they will participate with social responsibility awareness.