“Dalaman Airport”, started in 1999 and completed in 2006, is a monograph of a project; an architectural adventure.
Emre Arolat and Gonca Paşolar of EAA, tell the real story of the realization of this project and show how it was completed so successfully despite the complex, tangled relations involved and the problems encountered.
Architects will identify with the experiences described in this book while students and those new to the profession will find in it a wealth of knowledge.

It’s been twenty years since I’ve started practicing architecture. I can easily say that the Dalaman Airport project was one of the most important milestones in my career. So far I’ve tried to relate the first part of this saga which holds a special place in many regards. More than an architectural text I’ve tried to recount memories that are more or less related to the subject, that more or less touch on the matter, while adding my feelings concerning the period in question. I strove to summarize as much of it as I could remember. I did not refrain from waxing personal. I couldn’t have told it any other way.
Emre Arolat, Dalaman Airport, 2007