The publication is a compilation of the Factory exhibition that EAA curated at Milli Reasurans Art Gallery in 2012. The book interrogates the meaning of “factory” in the most unvarnished and humanist sense in line with the exhibition through Ipekyol Textile Factory which received Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) in 2010.
In this regard, the book brings to light the intellectual quest of five influential figures respectively as Emre Arolat, Uğur Tanyeli, Hilal Tunç, Yalçın Ayaydın, and Hanif Kara on the problematized subject. The owner of Ipekyol, Yalcın Ayaydın and the creative director of the brand, Hilal Tunc explicitly narrates their reflections on the establishment journey of the factory. Whereas Arolat and Tanyeli explore the meaning of factory from a philosophical point of view by emphasizing the “context” in the widest sense and the “place”. Last but not least, Hanif Kara, the on-site reporter of AKAA, brings the book to a close by investigating the project’s social impact, architectural language, structural composition, and functional aspects.

An exemplar model and prototype that sets a standard in the design and construction of factories without significant cost premiums. Such quality is only possible when the Client believes in Architecture, and Architects can design with rigour from conception through detailing to construction.
Hanif Kara, Aga Khan Award for Architecture Report, 2010