Museum Hotel Featured In The New York Times’ List
Almost ten years have passed since our first site visit. A bursting full, difficult, stormy ten years. Luckily for us, in the end the work produced is of a quality to make one forget the thousand problems and obstacles faced and the many efforts we made. The Museum Hotel Antakya project was completed in the last part of 2019. The space is finally open to people of different social classes and all manner of opinion. The layers upon layers of history brought to light with great effort and care by a team of devoted workers under its spell is finally preserved scrupulously by the structure of a hotel making it visible and accessible. And again, luckily for us another work we are proud to stand behind in every sense has been opened to the public.
This project was much discussed, much written about. The New York Times has published a selection lately and we are so grateful to see The Museum Hotel Antakya among the top 52 places to visit in 2020.
For more information, please visit the link.