Eaa Celebrates Ege Perla’s Opening, Izmir
Yesterday, we celebrated the opening of Ege Perla in Izmir. The project, led by Emre Arolat showcase the specific location
of the land in the city, the construction conditions regulated for the region, the socio-cultural effects to be brought upon the regional life by the complex, dangers of urban fragmentation and social segregation, intersection points of public and private spheres and the assessment of the tension that may rise thereon, establishment of functional intersections – crossprogramming – of the complex program considering the urban life and private uses, climatic characteristics and scenery relations, the effects on the landscape perceived both from the seaside direction and from the urban direction, structural analyses and massive influences, sustainable structural analyses and ecological design tendencies as well as construction systems, criteria such as local materials, building opportunities and economy have been kept on the agenda as effective design data.